Brewing Plantation Blue Mountain Coffee
Brewing coffee is as much of an art as it is a science. The history of coffee brewing equipment is rich, and methods of brewing are culturally dependent. Of the thousands of coffee machines and coffee brewing devices invented since the advent of coffee consumption, only a few have gained worldwide popularity. The coffee brewing methods discussed below are recommended since they have been found to maximize the extraction of the beneficial flavors of coffee, while minimizing the extraction of bitter coffee compounds and undesirable components. Proper brewing enhances the taste of coffee by allowing you to extract the proper amount of flavor from the bean.
The following general rules apply to each coffee making process discussed. Coffee should be brewed for 4.5-5 minutes using a ratio of 55 grams of ground coffee per liter of filtered water (195-205°F). It is convenient to use 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of filtered water. Filtered water and spring water are recommended. Tap water imparts off flavors to the coffee and some minerals are essential to coffee flavor. Distilled water is not recommended for brewing coffee as it lacks the minerals to bring out the natural flavors of the coffee.
Because coffee is a strong flavoring agent, it takes relatively little to produce a robust brew. The generally accepted ratio is 1.0, 1.5% coffee to 98.5, 99% water.
To prevent under- or over-extracting the flavor from the beans, you must match the right particle size (grind) with the correct brewing time. In general, longer brewing times should be paired with larger particles and shorter brewing times with smaller particles.
Because your brewing equipment controls the coffee’s contact with the water, it is important that it be precisely calibrated and well maintained. In particular, you should pay attention to the length of the brewing process, the temperature of the water and the amount of mixing (turbulence).
Water temperature is vital. Doing it correctly, you can make what many say is the perfect cup of coffee. Ideally, you want the temperature between 195 and 200 degrees F. One way to do this is to boil the water and use an "instant read" thermometer from any kitchen store. Once you remove the water from the heat, see how long it takes to reach 200 degrees. It will probably be just 10 or 15 seconds. In some places, your water may boil at the proper temperature (higher elevations). Do not allow the water to boil more than a couple of seconds. Once you know the timing, you are all set for the future.
To achieve the flavor you desire, you must first choose the right brewing method. There are six basic methods of brewing: steeping, decoction, percolation, drip filtration, pour over filtration, Vacuum Filtration and Pressurized Infusion. We recommend vacuum, drip or pour over filtration.
In general, water that contains 50, 100 parts per million of dissolved minerals will produce the best-tasting coffee.